The 1998 conference was endorsed by
- the International Lesbian and Gay Association ILGA
- the Netherlands Trade Union Confederation FNV
- the Dutch Christian National Federation of Trade Unions CNV
- the UK trade union UNISON
- the German trade union for Public Services, Transport and Traffic
(Öffentliche Dienste, Transport und Verkehr ÖTV), now merged
into the trade union ver.Di (vereinte Dienstleistunggewerkschaft)
- the General Italian Labour Confederation (Confederazione Generale Italiana
del Lavoro CGIL
- the Canadian Labour Congress/Congrès du travail du Canada CLC
It took place in the days before and in conjunction with the Gay Games, in Amsterdam,
the Netherlands.
For the scholarships for the conference, there has been a close cooperation with
- the (Dutch) Humanist Institute for Cooperation with Developing Countries
- the Gay Games Outreach project
- the Dutch section of Amnesty International
- the Quilt Tour
- Get Organized! / The (general) Dutch Organization for Development
Cooperation NOVIB / Women's projects funding organization Mama
- the University of Amsterdam
- Dutch ILGA groups
- XminY, development cooperation organization
- the Dutch Aidsfonds (Aids funding organization)
- the city of Amsterdam and the organization of Dutch/Nicaraguan city
twinning projects