Background information

Happy and healthy 2024!

European unions concerned about populism ad its impacts on LGBTI workers' rights

On 17 March 2024, IDAHOBIT, the joint European (and international) trade union organisations issued a statement expressing their continued support to LGBTI+ rights and workers' rights, and warning against populism.
Read the English version or the Dutch version here.
pride-flag-with-comment-LGBTI+ rights are trade union rights!!

results of the voting, specified per copuntry

Protecting intersex people

No vote against. True, there were 23 abstensions, but 24 countries voted in favour.
On April 4th, 2024, the Human Rights Council of the United Nations voted in favour of a recommendation protecting intersex people.
The recommendation had been spearheaded by Australia, Chile, Finland and South Africa.
It was the first time ever that a UN body adopted a motion about intersex people.
"Combating discrimination, violence and harmful practices against intersex persons" is really groundbreaking. Read the English version here o puede leer la versión español aquí.
