Background information

Links to pages with contents related to Trade Union LGBTQI rights/
Enlaces a páginas con contenidos relacionados con derechos sindicales LGBT

This web page has several chapters.
Click on a chapter to go to the links/items of that chapter. /
Esta página web contiene algunos capítulos.
Haz click para ir al los enlaces del capítulo.

links table

Labourstart LabourStart, where trade unionists start their activities (in Bahasa Indonesia, Chinese, Dansk, Deutsch, English, Español, Esperanto, Français, Italiano, Kreyòl, Nederlands, Norsk, Polski, Português, Russian/Русский, Suomi, Svenska
Resouce Expedience LGBTQI labour resource links
global unions logo Global Unions
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International union organisations (starting) with an LGBTQI policy /
Organizaciones internacionales de sindicatos que comienzan por, or ya tienen, una política LGBTQI
global unions logo Council of Global Unions / El Consejo de Sindicatos Mundiales
ETUC ETUC, the European Trade Union Confederation / La Confederación Europea de Sindicatos CES
PSI, LGBTQI policies Public Services International / Internacional de Servicios Publicos
Education International Education International /Internacional de Educación
EPSU, European Public Service Union EPSU, European Federation of Public Service Unions, announces its co-operation with ILGA Europe /
FSESP, la Federación Sindical Europea de los Servicios Publicos, anunciando su cooperación con la ILGA Europea
UNI logo UNI, the global union federation for skills and services / UNI, organisación mundial sindical para el sector de capacidades y servicios
ILO ILO, the International Labour Organization / Organización Internacional de Trabajo, OIT
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Unions and national union organisations with an LGBTQI policy /
Sindicatos y organizaciones sindicales a nivel nacional con una política LGBTQI
UNISONthe UK trade union UNISON
Verdi-logo ver.Di Regenbogen (Germany)(in German / en aleman / Deutsch)
irish congress of trade unions logo Irish congress of trade unions
Australian Education Union logo Australian Education Union
heu-logo Hospital Employees Union (Canada), Pink Triangle Standing Committee
FNV (Netherlands) FNV (Netherlands) (parts in English)/(neerlandés, por parte en Español)
FNV UNIFOR, Canadian trade union
SEIU Services Employees International Union, SEIU, Lavender Caucus / SEIU, Grupo azul lavanda (en inglés)
Luis Gauthier Luis Gauthier LGBTQI trade union, Chile (in Spanish) / Sindicato LGBTQI Luis Gauthier en Chile (en Español)
Pride at Work Pride at work, LGBTQI group in AFL-CIO (US) / Grupo Orgullo en Trabajo, del sindicato AFL-CIO en los EEUU
LO-Norge Norwegian Trade Union Confederation (in Norwegian)/ Confederación Sindical de Noruega (en norguego)
TUC, the UK Trades Union Congress, on Equality / El Congreso Sindical, de Gran Bretaña, sobre Igualdad
unite, the union Largest trade union in Britain UNITE / El sindicato más grande en Bretaña UNITE (en inglés)
Canadian Auto Workers Canadian Auto Workers, LGBTQI chapter (history?) / Trabajadores en la Industria de Automoviles en Canada, sección LGBTQI (¿historia?) (en inglés)
ASLEF, British union for train drivers ASLEF, British train drivers' union, LGBTQI chapter
du Travail Canadian Labour Congress Canadian Labour Congress (English) /Congrès du Travail de Canada (Français)
CGIL CGIL (Italian trade union confederation)(Italiano)
ACV in French known as CNC ACV/CNC, Belgian christian trade union society (Vlaams/Dutch and Wallon/French)
and its leaflet about discrimination at the workplace (in Dutch)
ABVV ABVV, Belgian socialist trade union society (Vlaams / Dutch); speech of the chairman after being elected
Fritt Fram All Clear, Swedish trade union project
CUPE the Canadian Union of Public Employees CUPE (in English) / SCFP, le Syndicat Canadien de la Function Publique (en Français)
SEESP, Sao Paulo nurses union Sindicato dos Enfermeiros do Estado de São Paulo (SEESP), Sao Paulo nurses union (em português/ in Portuguese)
AOb, Dutch teachers' union AOb, Dutch education union (in Nederlands / Dutch)
CCOO-Valencia Comissions Obreres de Valencià (Valencian branch of Spanish trade union movement CCOO) (en Español)
CCOO Industria Comissions Obreres Industria (Industrial branch of Spanish trade union movement CCOO) (en Español)
UGTP Unión General de Trabajadores (Spanish trade union) (en Español)
ASDEP Asociación Nacional de Servidores Públicos de la Defensoria del Pueblo ASDEP, Colombian public sector trade union (en Español)
GEW German union Gewerkschaft für Erziehung und Wissenschaft (Education and Science) (in German/auf Deutsch)
Craig's blog Craig's blog (including trade union issues)
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In company groups and networks working on diversity including LGBTQI aspects and
companies with an LGBTQI-inclusive diversity policy /
Empresas que incluyen aspectos LGBTQI en su política de diversidad y/o
que cuentan con redes especializadas para su desarollo

Workplace Pride Platform Workplace Pride Platform, an international organisation based upon a Dutch initiative (in English/in Dutch/Nederlands))
British Telecom Vercida programme British Telecom: Vercida programme (English)
LGBTQI Forum of the British Army Army LGBT, the LGBT forum in the British Army
genius Genius, Dutch network of LGB professionals (English / Nederlands (= Dutch))
HP on diversity policies HP on its diversity policy
Companies that care Companies that care (USA) (in English) / (en inglés)
About LGBT personnel in the pharmaceutical and bio-industrial sector About LGBTQI personel in the pharmaceutical and bio-industrial sector / Sobre el personal LGBTQI en los sectores famacéuticos y bioindustriales (en inglés)
Dell Dell's diversity policies
LEAGUE diversity group at AT and T League at AT and T
IBM LGBTQI and diversity policies IBM diversity policies
ING Bank ING bank diversity policies (available in English and Nederlands = Dutch)
Cisco logo Cisco's diversity and inclusion policy
Firefighters and EMS LGBT firefighters and emergency medical staff
OutServe SLDN, service members legal network OutServe SLDN, LGBTQI US armed forces network
Proud2Serve Proud to Serve, Britain's LGBTQI armed forces network
Arbeitskreis homosexueller Angehörigen der Bundeswehr Arbeitskreis homosexueller Angehörigen der Bundeswehr AhsAB, Working party of gay members of the German federal armed forces (Deutsch / German/ aleman)
logo trainbow belgium Trainbow Belgium, network in the railway companies n(in Dutch mainly)
Stichting Homoseksualiteit en Krijgsmacht Stichting Homoseksualiteit en Krijgsmacht, Dutch Foundation for Homosexuality and Armed Forces (Nederlands / Dutch)
Air Products Air Products diversity policies and reference to the Spectrum LGBTQI employee ressource group
Volvo's diversity policies Volvo car's diversity policies
Shell Shell supporting LGBT talent // Shell apoyando a talento LGBT
RBS's diversity policies and the Rainbow Network Diversity policies in the Royal Bank of Scotland RBS and its Rainbow Network (in English/inglés)
Deutsche Bank's diversity policies Deutsche Bank's diversity policies / Die Vielfaltpolitik der deutschen Bank (in English / auf Deutsch)
Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network GLSEN (in English)
Legal Gay and Lesbian Police Officers
Velspol VELSPOL League of Gay and Lesbian Police Officers in Germany (Deutsch/German/alemán)
Eurogaycops European network of LGBTQI police officers
Out and Equal (USA)
Diversity Foundation (Spain) / Fundación Diversidad (España)
National Organization of Gay and Lesbian Scientists and Technical Professionals (in English)
Accenture Pride
Philips's diversity policies
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Anti-discrimination, human rights, or development co-operation organisations
working on LGBTQI work issues /
Organizaciones contra la discriminación, organizaciones de los derechos humanos y
organizaciones de cooperación al desarollo, que tienen una política LGBTQI

HIVOSHIVOS, Dutch Humanist organisation for Development Co-operation
Oxfam NovibOxfam Novib
Amnesty International Amnesty International
Etical Trading Initiative Ethical Trading Initiative / Iniciativa Commercio Ético (solamente en inglés)
New Zealand Human Rights Commission New Zealand Human Rights Commission / Comision de Derechos Humanos de Nueva Zelandia (solamente en inglés)
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LGBTQI organisations working on labour issues /
Organizaciones LGBTQI trabajando en temas laborales
ILGA International Lesbian and Gay Association, world organisation
ILGA International Lesbian and Gay Association, European chapter
ILGA Going Beyond the Law: promoting equality in employment (2nd edition, May 2007)(publication by ILGA Europe)
IGLHRC the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission
Trans Advocate Trans Advocate
Human Right Campaign Human Rights Campaign
Maltese gay rights movement Malta gay rights movement
Out-fm logo Out FM, LGBTQI radio
Çavaria België Çavaria (Belgian federation of lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans organisations) (Vlaams / Flemish / Dutch)
Pridelinks PrideLinks
Gay.Net Gay.Net
AllOut All Out (English, Español, Français, Português
the Gully or Gay Mundo The Gully (English) / Gay Mundo (Español)
Beyond Barriers Beyond Barriers, Scottish LGBTQI site
The Advocate
Scottish Equality networks Equality network Scotland
Gender sanity, including information for the workplace Gender sanity, including information for the workplace
Trans equality, employment issues (United States) National Center for Trans Equality, employment issues
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Political statements on LGBTQI labour issues /
Declaraciones políticas sobre temas LGBTQI
EU guidelines on LGBTI human rights European Union guidelines to promote and protect the enjoyment of all human rights by lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) persons
EU on diversity European Union, on the value of diversity for companies
EU on discrimination European Union on the extension and the enhanced anti-discrimination policies
European parliament European Parliament condems homophobia
Council of Europe Council of Europe, Committee of Ministers: recommendation to the member states on measures to combat discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation or gender identity (aussi en Français)
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LGBTQ Discrimination in the Workplace LGBTQ Discrimination in the Workplace
Mi.St Mi.St European diversity management site
Diversito Diversito, Belgian diversity management site (in Dutch)
Diversity Rules magazine Diversity Rules magazine
rainbow guide for municipal initiatives Rainbow guide for local initiatives / Regenbooggids voor gemeenten (in Dutch)
College choice guide for students (College choice) Guide for LGBTQ students (aimed at US audience)
SMB Guide SMB Guide to success in the LGBTQ market (useful suggestions also for unions)
Illegal interview questions (in the USA) Illegal interview questions (aimed at US audience)
LGBTQ College Student Resource Guide (in the USA) LGBTQ College Student Resource Guide (aimed at US audience)
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