Background information

Sandra Vermuyten

Sandra VermuytenSandra Vermuyten (Belgium born in Belgium 39 of age) is an expert in trade union rights, international labour law, social dialogue and labour migration.)Earlier she worked for the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) and the International Labour Organisation (ILO), at the Moscow office.
Now, she is the Equality and Rights Officer of Public Services International (PSI), the global union federation that unites more than 20 million public service workers from 150 countries.

"Current tendencies in terms of economic and social policy reform, gloval financial crisis and the downward spiral of the protection of workers' rights, make the role of trade unions more relevant than ever. Equal rights for men and women, LGBT and other minorities, labour migrants and youth are part and parcel of a scoiety that moves forward, generates growth amd social development."

Sandra Vermuyten had participated in one of the panel discussion on the Antwerp conference.