Background information


After a survey among its national affiliates, the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) in Brussels organised for the first time a conference on LGBT trade union rights in January, 2008, under the Title "Extending equality".
During Stockholm July 25 – August 3, 2008, ETUC participated for the first time in the EuroPride festival which took place in Stockholm. In collaboration with the All Clear Trade Union Network, Sweden, ETUC organised a seminar entitled “LGBT—A Trade Union Issue? What tools are necessary and how can we collaborate throughout Europe?”. ETUC also participated in the Pride Parade together with many Swedish trade unions.
Read the program, watch the pictures, and read the report about the survey and the conference (in English) here.

The Netherlands Trade Union Confederation FNV started a project on the situation of LGBT workers and about creating gay-straight alliances, in co-operation with the Company Pride Platform in the Netherlands. Read more about this project here.

In a follow-up on previous contacts, a delegation of the German, British, Dutch and global trade unions visited Poland and talked with Polish government officials, LGBT organisations and trade unions. Reports are available in Polish, German, English and Dutch.

ILGA Europe organized a two-day seminar on Employment and working with the Trade Unions. Unfortunately, we have not been able to find a report for this web site.

Education International published the Triennial report "The rights of lesbian and gay teachers and education personnel" for the 2004 - 2007 period. You can read it here.

Those of you who can add significant dates and facts to this table,
please contact the web master.